Serving at the Food Bank in Harlem was amazing.! We were truly needed and appreciated by the full-time employees who we grew to know and love. The work was diverse and demanding and the people who we served, grateful. The days faded into night as we restlessly navigated our way, via subway, searching for experience within the myriad of cultures that makeup New York City. Together we created new experiences, life long memories, and friendships.
"I thought that my participation completely changed my perspective of poverty in the US, because I was able to see first hand those who are homeless or struggle to get a meal each night. I saw men, women, black, white, young and old all coming into the food bank. The experience has opened my eyes and has allowed me to appreciate what I have."
The pre-trip team building experience at Chumash Challenge really allowed us get to know each other and break the awkward silences that are inevitable when joining a new group. The pre-trip educational workshop helped us understand the disparities we saw between rich and poor in New York City. The evening reflections aided in our digestion of what we were experiencing and also gave us time to share our views with the group. The reorientation was a great feast where we reconnected and brainstormed what we can do locally to address the issues of poverty in America, an issue we have a much better understanding and compassion for today.
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